What is a psychoeducational assessment?
A psychoeducational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by trained professionals, such as psychologists or educational specialists, to assess an individual’s cognitive and academic abilities. The primary purpose of this assessment is to gain insights into a person’s learning strengths and weaknesses, identify any learning difficulties or disabilities, and make informed decisions regarding appropriate educational interventions and accommodations.
It is essential to conduct these assessments using a variety of tools and methods to ensure accurate and comprehensive results. This process helps educators, parents, and other professionals better understand an individual’s learning profile and formulate appropriate strategies to facilitate their academic success and overall well-being.
Cognitive Abilities: This aspect involves evaluating the individual’s intellectual functioning, which includes tests that measure general intelligence, verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed.
Academic Achievement: The assessment evaluates the individual’s academic skills in areas such as reading, writing, mathematics, and other subject areas to determine their proficiency level relative to their peers.
Attention and Executive Functioning: Some assessments may include measures of attention, focus, and executive functions, which are essential for effective learning and academic performance.
Emotional and Behavioral Functioning: Aspects of emotional and behavioral functioning may also be considered as they can impact a person’s ability to learn and participate in educational settings.
Who needs an assesment?
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How does it help?
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Assessment Inquiry
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Costs Involved
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- Learning Disabilities - $2200
- Autism Spectrum - $3800