person using pencil


What is a psychoeducational assessment?

A psychoeducational assessment is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by a psychologist to assess an individual’s cognitive and academic abilities. The primary purpose of a psychoeducational assessment is to investigate the nature of the client’s challenges so that informed decisions regarding appropriate educational programming can be made.

It is essential to conduct these assessments using a variety of tools and methods to ensure accurate and comprehensive results. This process helps educators, parents, and other professionals better understand an individual’s learning profile and formulate appropriate strategies to facilitate their academic success and overall well-being.

Who needs an assesment?

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How does it help?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisici elit, sed eiusmod tempor incidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Excepteur sint obcaecat cupiditat non proident culpa. Morbi fringilla convallis sapien, id pulvinar odio volutpat.

Request Information

Costs Involved

  • Psychoeducational Assessment - $2400
  • Autism Spectrum Assessment - $3500

Two autistic friends sitting outside using stim toys and laughing at their phones

ADHD Coaching

ADHD Coaches provide support for some of the day-to-day struggles that individuals with ADHD regularly encounter by helping clients to implement structures and routines to address their challenges.

ADHD Coaching is focused on assisting with:

  • time management
  • organization
  • prioritizing tasks
  • task initiation and completion
  • planning
  • attention
  • self-monitoring

Insight into the Coaching Process:

The coach creates a safe environment that encourages honest and open communication. This environment exists on a foundation of unconditional acceptance of the client coupled with information and instruction about ADHD. The coach becomes the client’s champion, reinforcing and reminding them of their natural talents and successes.

For further information on ADHD Coaching please contact our Saskatoon office at 306-652-4114 or our Regina office at 306-790-8452.

woman writing on table

Adult Education/CAEC

Adult Education Program

  • CAEC Prep Class
  • Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM
  • Part-time options may be available


  • Motivated and able attend a full-time academic program
  • May have completed a Modified Grade 12 but NOT a Regular Grade 12
  • 18 years of age or over

Adult Education offered in all three locations:

Saskatoon – 306-652-4114

Prince Albert – 306 – 922-1071

Regina – 306-790-8452

**Program offered year round**

black smartphone near person

Academic Strategy

Success isn’t something that just happens – success is learned, success is practised and then it is shared.” ~ Sparky Anderson

Taking into account your strengths and challenges, an Academic Strategist helps you to understand how to achieve your academic goals. The Academic Strategist assists you in the development of useful tools that you can use to help you succeed in your studies.

Weekly sessions with the Strategist often include:

  • Open collaboration with students to find tools & strategies that they are willing to use
  • Support in the form of academic coaching, technology training, assistance with academic writing
  • Reviewing the recommendations on their personal psycho-educational assessment
  • Providing a variety of strategies to improve learning
  • Identifying barriers and providing strategies to overcome them
  • Providing tools and resources to help students find balance, organization and efficiency
  • Time management techniques
  • Discussing possible technology that would assist learning
  • Assistance navigating Student Loans and the paperwork associated with the Students with Permanent Disabilities – Grant Application

To book an appointment with the Academic Strategist please contact our Saskatoon office at (306) 652-4114.

woman in gray long sleeve shirt sitting beside boy in orange crew neck shirt

Academic Tutoring

Academic Tutoring is a one-on-one service intended to help learners from Kindergarten through Grade 12.

Tutoring offers personalized learning support in the areas students need most, such as:

  • Reading skills, including phonemic awareness, fluency, and comprehension. Struggling readers can be tutored using the Barton Reading System, which is an Orton-Gillingham influenced, multisensory, systematic phonics program.
  • Writing skills for all ages. Our tutors can assist with skills like letter formation, or support more advanced concepts, such as essay writing.
  • Math skills, from fact fluency all the way through high school level content.

A learning disability is not required to receive services. Tutoring sessions are guaranteed to have at least 45 minutes of instructor support and can be offered both in person and virtually.

If you would like to know more about tutoring, please contact us. Our helpful staff will schedule an intake interview so the student can be personally matched with the tutor best-suited to help them achieve academic success.